
underwater house kipping

In minecraft the player can feel such a freedom, that the regular player wouldn't know what to do, where to start, how to do this. It reminders me the first time that I played Morrowind. In Morrowind i had to forgot lots of things about guided games and started all over again, how's that? well... In other games i used to get everything that i found around and put it in my backpack(thats my favourite english word), and normally, doesnt matter how much stuff i put there, everything fitted, excepto for some rpg games but, well, dind't play to much of those, maybe i dind't really liked the point of view, what i really like is to see things with my eyes, i want to be the character, not see him from above, that separates myself from the experience, SO, i was always taking everything that i could before and in this particular game that wasn't an option, i mean, to beguin with the character that i like to choose normally looks like me, i never wanted to be an orc or some big musculous pennis character waving humongous axes, i wanted to be me, or the closest to that that i could get (in some games i had to be a girl to achieve that), couse im skinny and fast, i like arrows and dagger if a had to use medieval weapons, and i can't just get myself into a big fight with my skinny self, they'll kick my ass in a sec, SO, couse i chossed a skinny character i couldnt carry to much things either in Morrowind "You are over-encumbered and cannot run" the game says, and i had to learn that i just couldn't get to do everything, not only in what i carry on, also in what i had to do, to manny options to manny quests, i had to choose something, to be a magician or to be a warrior, to use this big axes or to use something that suits me more, like shortswords & daggers, becouse the game dosn't came with that chewed up, you can do what you want, that doesnt mean thats gonna be good for you, like going naked just because you want to feel the breeze:

That was a screen from Skyrim, not Morrowind(had a problem with those). So, if I want i can go naked doing quests and thats feels awesome, thanks, in almost all Bethesda games you can do that. I know that provably most rpg games let you do this and take lots of decitions as you want, but less of them are in first person, thats an enormous difference for me.
In Minecraft you can do that too, you can edit your skin with a program called "skinedit"(waw) and you can use ii in your game, or you can download some from many places around the internet. In the beautyfully taken screenshoot on top of this article you can see myself in summer minecraft skin in my underwater house, made by me of course. 
I play Minecraft with 4 more friends, its very improvable to get the 4 of us playing at the same time (maybe never happened) but its amazing to see what these guys can(and cannot) do, of course, if you don't know Minecraft, its a game where everything is made out of material cubes, basically you can take these cubes out an put theme somewhere else, also combining them to make another material or tool and so you can built whatever you want, like in lego, except for the monsters that apears at night(protecto yourself). 
It's not easy to start playing this game from scratch, i think the best is to have some guidance, i had my friends helping me, giving me some materials, food(yeah you need to eat)and theres a bible, the minecraft wiki http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Minecraft_Wiki where you can find everithing that you need to build or deal wilth whatever you could find in this infinite game. Also, the game autogenerates itself.. .. .. .. ..... fo real, so you can just go around and explore whatever cames in your path, like gigantuous underworled mines(this is where you get the best materials, like diamonds), and there's also THE NETHER, i don't go there...
So, in this game you'r you in your full form(say that fast), what you built and where you built it shows who you are right now, you thing thats too much? i don't think so, i think games like these shows your abilities, your fears, your obsesions;

In the screen above Jhon_Peter character says "I suffer the same fears in minecraft that in real life", like for example, he always builts his house near the sea, not only because he likes to see the sunset in the ocean, also because he feels claustrophobic in other places, this thing happends to him also in real life, amazing ha? So if you think games are silly, well think again mr i know everything! haha im having fun, but thats also true, videogames have grate power. If you want to listen to a person that really thinks that games are powerfull stuff, cheq out Jane McGonigal, she works in the online gamming industry: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE1DuBesGYM

And  seeing my friends playing its exactly like seeing them in real life! how they frenetically or slowly they move, are they distracted by the pretty things or they are more like hardworkers that are optimizing time to get what they want?, do they help you a or are just all the time in there bussiness? are they leaders? is there any leader? do they bulit his house close to yours? or they prefer an isolated place? also how is he today! you name it, AND, are they making the most of what life gives to them? Maybe the are just doing in games what they cannot do in life(cheq out that youtube link i linked above), like me; When I built in Minecraft, makes want to go and built in real life, I can't right now, but I will.

 Things come.TSS

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