Well hello.
That squared thing up there is me in an awesome game named "Minecraft"
I won't show my face to let a mistery feeling going on while you read my blog (if you do).
And you can track my face down trough my other blogs so...
Since I'm going to start talking i tought it was a good idea to present myself, in case you end up here somehow and started reading my rants and came asking yourself "who is this guy?" well; Im The Screenshooter.
I love videogames and when my computer starts, fraps* starts too, automatically.
This is the best input key for screenshooting while playing:

right down the "a" key, you know..
I also take pictures in life, i love it, makes me happy, and if im sad, i take pictures too, they keep me going, they could lift me up sometimes, and i can take also registry of my life, like this:
Thats me trespassing on what i thought it was some abandoned fishersman house, i came to discover later that 2 fishermans are using that house, i saw them 2 minutes later I took this picture, around the corner sudenly looking at me like about to kill me, kinda like the feeling you get playing Hitman, another story BUT, I have my adventures, i was trespassing, playing, in life, made my day and got me sick too.
I like that word "trespass", trespassing, like that underated experimental awesome jurassick park game; TRESPASSER, buggy as crap but an awesome game, fisics, big iland, wierd hand control, and big tits, google it if you don't know it, play it, maybe i'll make an article of it in the future in this same blog, stay tunned.
So im from Montevideo, Super Uruguay, that's in latinoamerica and we speak spanish, Hola como andás? soy El DisparaImágenes y no hablaba hasta ahora y nadie me conoce, espero que ahora que hablo alguien siga lo que leo o sino va a ser medio que un bajón dedicarle todo este tiempo al asunto, aunque de ultima me hace feliz escribir acá con la esperanza latente de un lector amante posible seguidor de mi blog.
And I'm not the best writer in english, I think that I actually kinda suck on it, and i didnt get any deegrees in english so i just lerned from movies & videogames and maybe a little tinny thing from school.. But, i think you can get what I say, maybe with a little effort, so thank you, and I'll be getting better at this, Im discovering that I have lots to say and Im gonna say it in english right here so the world can read me.
Resume, Ok; I draw, I photograph, I screenshoot, i studied art, graphic desing, cinema, animation, and life, im always trying to get everything that i can from that school thats always teaching something new, AND, i want to make videogames, videogame designer, developer, thats what i want.
Everything that i know and that i studied is pointing me to that direction now, and i need to know lots more, im a child in this, but im getting bigger!
Im working right now with computer engineers, and we'r making a videogame that we hope it will be out soon for istuff, ios and for the web, here is the link to them http://outboxlabs.com/
One of my co-workers is my old friend from highschool Max, we where playing and thinking of games since we where kids, I also know artists, 3d artists, musicians and writers, so i think we'll come up with something interesting if we join forces (C'MON YOU APES YOU WANNA LIVE FOREVER?!).
It's not easy to work with engineers. Artists and engineers are mostly different kind of people, so much different that they most use different parts of the brain to came up with what they do, but to make games, engineer and artists have to listen to eachother to work as one and respect their works, you do this i do that lets unite that power and make something that moves and responds well designed and beautyfully crafted, that union is like god making the planet, c'mon, we can make whatever we want!
I also like lots of music, but my favourite band should be UNDERWORLD, electronic powered low bass high dance have fun be sad or whatever you like music, good for working, good for thinking, good for playing, good for dancing. I discovered this band in a tent inside a forest near a beach in uruguay around 2006.
And, im a model from 1984, made of a perfect exactly amount of 50% of my mother & my father, love them, made my life a little harder taking care to much of me, mama's boy i am, i came up shy, more inside than outside the house, playing videogames a lot(pc), so; I want to make videogames thinking about me & that little guy too, for all those guys that are afraid to came out and play more in there lives, making good games with no violence, thinking games, exploration games, mostly first person games, and maybe, MAYBE trigger some kind of button that make those guys get out for a while and see whats in the garden, and of course, smell the flowers.
Yo no tengo mucha idea y afinidad con los videojuegos, juego a cosas simples, eso sí. Pero efectivamente por falta de interés cuando era niña que era una traga libros de animales y no porque no me gusten, es más, tú sos la persona que me hizo pensar en un videojuego como más que un simple entretenimiento, es un mundo. Y parece que es tu camino, y aún más, tus ideas parecen ideas frescas y diferentes.